Reports on Mathematical Physics 54/3 wer.eksp. Kańczuga

Multiplicity of self-adjoint realisations of the (2+1)-fermionic model of Ter-Martirosyan-Skornyakov type Geometry of the discrete Hamilton-Jacobi equation: Applications in optimal control Invariant solutions to the Khokhlov-Zabolotskaya singular manifold equation and their application Adaptation …

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Oferta sklepu


Multiplicity of self-adjoint realisations of the (2+1)-fermionic model of Ter-Martirosyan-Skornyakov type Geometry of the discrete Hamilton-Jacobi equation: Applications in optimal control Invariant solutions to the Khokhlov-Zabolotskaya singular manifold equation and their application Adaptation of the Alicki-Fannes-Winter method for the set of states with bounded energy and its use Nontranslation invariant Gibbs measures for models with uncountable set of spin values on a Cayley tree Asymptotic stability of the relativistic Boltzmann equation on Bianchi type I space-time with a hard potential


Podstawowe informacje

  • 9770034487139
Ilość stron
  • 136
Rok wydania
  • 2004
  • Miękka