Extending Docker. Master the art of making Docker more extensible, composable, and modular by leveraging plugins and other supporting tools Będzin

With Docker, it is possible to get a lot of apps running on the same old servers, making it very easy to package and ship programs. The ability to extend Docker using plugins and load third-party plugins is incredible, and organizations can massively benefit from it.In this book, you will read …

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With Docker, it is possible to get a lot of apps running on the same old servers, making it very easy to package and ship programs. The ability to extend Docker using plugins and load third-party plugins is incredible, and organizations can massively benefit from it.In this book, you will read about what first and third party tools are available to extend the functionality of your existing Docker installation and how to approach your next Docker infrastructure deployment. We will show you how to work with Docker plugins, install it, and cover its lifecycle. We also cover network and volume plugins, and you will find out how to build your own plugin. You’ll discover how to integrate it with Puppet, Ansible, Jenkins, Flocker, Rancher, Packer, and more with third-party plugins. Then, you’ll see how to use Schedulers such as Kubernetes and Amazon ECS. Finally, we’ll delve into security, troubleshooting, and best practices when extending Docker.By the end of this book, you will learn how to extend Docker and customize it based on your business requirements with the help of various tools and plugins. Spis treści: 1. Introduction to extending Docker 2. Introducing First Party Tools3. Volume Plugins 4. Network Plugins 5. Building Your Own Plugin 6. Extending your Infrastructure7. Looking at Schedulers 8. Security, Challenges & Conclusions O autorze: Russ McKendrick jest architektem oprogramowania. Z branżą IT jest związany od ponad ćwierćwiecza. Korzysta niemal wyłącznie z rozwiązań open source, a Docker jest jego ulubionym narzędziem. Pasjonuje się muzyką na płytach winylowych.


  • Russ McKendrick
Wybrane wydawnictwa
  • Packt Publishing
  • Programowanie