BeagleBone for Secret Agents. Browse anonymously, communicate secretly, and create custom security solutions with open source software, the BeagleBone Będzin

Spis treści: 1. BeagleBone Black Basics2. Proteting Anonymity with a Tor Relay3. Custom Crypto Hardware with the Crypto Cape4. Build a hardware GPG Wallet5. Authenticating a BeagleBone Wireless Sensor Network6. Appendix I

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Spis treści: 1. BeagleBone Black Basics2. Proteting Anonymity with a Tor Relay3. Custom Crypto Hardware with the Crypto Cape4. Build a hardware GPG Wallet5. Authenticating a BeagleBone Wireless Sensor Network6. Appendix I


  • Joshua Datko
Wybrane wydawnictwa
  • Packt Publishing